*Since I just started this blog these obviously aren’t submitted questions. I just threw together a few that friends have asked in the past and others I guessed you might wonder. Don’t see your question here? Then feel free to ask! I would love to answer any questions you have! Oh and don’t worry, I’m not shy. So ask away! Callgirlstories@yahoo.com*
Is your name really Tori?
Sort of. I won't reveal my first name for safety reasons but my actual middle name is Victoria so I decided on Tori as my 'work' name. We're not required to use a different name but a lot of the girls choose to pick a fake name or a variation on their own. Men like the sound of Tori better than Victoria just like they like the sound of Lexi better than Alexis. So I figured I would just keep using Tori when it comes to this blog.
Is this blog real? Are you really a call girl?
Yes and yes. This is my real job and I decided to share.
How/why did you become a call girl?
There’s no real reason besides it sort of just happened. That sounds kind of lame but it’s the truth. A friend tried it and referred me. I was actually insulted at first which is ironic now. Anyway, I decided to just try it and assumed I would only do it a few times to pay off some debt. But I actually enjoyed it! Can’t fault a girl for enjoying a job that involves getting dressed up and going out with well off men that sometimes ends in sex. Sometimes even great sex! Some of the men enjoy giving gifts as well so it’s sort of like dating without all the strings attached but I’m paid to be there and it more than covers the bills. It’s not for everyone but it works for me!
Are you a prostitute?!
My best friend actually asked me this the first time I told her. The answer is I guess it depends on your definition of prostitute. If you’re picturing a half dressed drug addict walking the streets for any guy to pick her up with a pimp waiting in the wings then the answer is HELL NO! If you are using the basic definition of being paid for sex than yeah, I guess I am.
Lets get this out of the way though. You’ll never find me walking the streets looking for sex and you’ll never guess in real life that this is my job. All my clients are screened and brought to me by my agency which will remain nameless. The men come to them by word of mouth and after they’ve been checked out they give me the information and we go from there. No one is forcing me to do this and no one controls what I do. I decide who I will be with and that’s that. Yes, the agency takes a small cut which mostly comes from the scheduling fee they charge the men. The money that is charged for my actual time is mine. Why would the men pay a scheduling fee and then pay for the actual time on top of it? Because they like the discretion the agency offers and knowing they’re getting clean well put together girls who can hold their own at a party but have fun in the sheets if that’s what the agreement is.